Friday, November 30, 2012

Harper's Birth Story

On October 30th at 6 at night I was totally OVER being pregnant. I was 39 weeks 1 day and couldn't take it anymore. The day before we had our doc appointment and I told them that if she "didn't come out soon I would be that crazy lady on the 6 o'clock news who totally lost it and delivered her baby on the kitchen floor". Anyways, that night I told Charlie we were going to the store to get all the stuff I needed to make the magic "start these damn contractions" potion, otherwise known as a castor oil cocktail. It was NASTY. I am still not sure if that is what jump started my labor or if it was the fact that my doctors had just stripped my membranes the day before or a couple of other things I tried (I really wanted her out lol). So at around 11:30 PM I started feeling some contractions and by 12:15 I knew it was time to go to the hospital. Picture this....Charlie told me at 11 he was going to try and get a little sleep just in case that night was the night. I was in the bathroom packing our tooth brushes when I told him to wake up it was time (BTW I was in a lot of pain) he said ok and went right back to bed. 5 minuets later I said "Charlie I am serious we need to get to the hospital" and he said he was getting up. 5 minuets after that I went right next to his side of the bed and said "Charlie! Get your ass up! I am in labor and it HURTS!". He got up.

We got to the hospital around 1:30 and were being checked at 2:00. I was only 2cm dilated but having regular contractions 3 min apart. After about 3 hours the nurse gave me pain meds and told us to walk around the hospital for an hour to see if I could dilated one more cm or become in "active" labor (I wasn't in active labor because I wasn't dilating, I was stuck at 2cm ). So Charlie and I walked all around the hospital (which is in downtown Orlando.....nuff said) and when she checked us again at 6 AM I was still only 2 EFFING CM! Needless to say I was pissed because I for sure thought they were just going to send me home with these bad contractions but nope :) we had such a sweet nurse that she talked the doc into admitting me. 

At 7 AM we were on our way up to what I thought was heaven (she was FINALLY going to come out!) where they started the potocin and more pain meds (I didn't want the epidural until I was in unbearable pain). This was the start to what I now know was a very long Halloween lol.

Mom checking my contractions.
Daddy was sleepy. 

So after hours of not dilating and being frustrated, they gave me the epidural , put in a foley bulb, and 3 hours later I went from 2cm to 6cm :D AMAZING! We were all so excited but went back to sleep for a few more hours. FINALLY at 6:45AM on November 1 ( 30 hours of labor later) they woke me up and said I was 10cm and it was time to push <3 

An hour and 25 min later at 8:10 in the morning we heard our baby girl cry for the first time and there wasn't a dry eye in the room :') well except the doctors and nurses.  

Harper& daddy
Harper & her aunt Ashley
Harper & her pop-pops

Harper & her Nana

It was a very looooong labor
Only missed Halloween by 8 Hours :)


Thursday, November 29, 2012

Harder than I thought

Geez! You would think this would have been a lot easier uhhhhhh NOPE! Well now that I have it figured out (kind of) I can explain why I started this blog.  This whole thing is being done because I recently gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl on the face of the earth and unfortunately not all of her family is around to see her everyday. So basically these post will be a bunch of ramblings of an totally infatuated new mama who will get off track at times, not spell check all my post (& for all you grammar police out there...DEAL! I have a BABY!), & may drop a few F bombs depending on my mood (sorry mom). Oh and this blog will be filled with pictures out the........ ;) ENJOY!

Harper Rose
Born November 1, 2012 @ 8:10 AM