Sunday, December 23, 2012

Its beginning to feel a lot like CHRISTMAS!

Finally! Its cold in Florida for Christmas! I cant even begin to tell you how freaking excited we are I am! To add to that excitement, we only have ONE day till Christmas! Now in our family Christmas eve is actually the start of Christmas which gives us 2 whole days to celebrate (which is way more exciting then the normal peoples boring "lets only celebrate Christmas on Christmas day"). Charlie & I finally finished all our Christmas shopping the other day and finished all our wrapping last night. I was actually sad about it, I absolutely love wrapping gifts and making them look all pretty and displaying them under the tree even though they are just going to get ripped to shreds. Charlie on the other hand.....hates it (typical I have also spent all my free time (the very little that I do have) cleaning and getting everything perfect for Christmas day were we will be hosting out first Christmas :) Its an awesome feeling to start your own traditions as a family. I am trying to keep ours simple. We will just being opening our gifts to one another on Christmas eve, while watching Elf ("SANTA!! I know him!") in our Christmas pj's and drinking hot chocolate. Even though I am so excited for all the typical stuff and for Harper's first Christmas I have to just say that there isn't any gift anyone could give me that is better then my family (including my soon to be family which in my mind are my family already even if I don't have the last name yet). I am beyond blessed for the love we all have for one another and that we get to spend another day alive and together (haha Mayans you were WRONG!)

I want today & tomorrow to go by so slow so that we can enjoy every single second of our little Harpsicle's very first Christmas :) 

My chalkboard door. Made by my hubby to be and father in law to be :)

Annual Christmas cookie decorating contest.
Annual Christmas cookie decorating contest.
And the award for ugliest cookie goes to...
Annual Christmas cookie decorating contest.
the judging

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Whoa! One week!

    Holy moly! We only have one week till the most excited day of the year! You know how every year there is always that one person in every family who is sooo difficult to shop for, and every freaking year its someone different? Well this year that award goes to my wonderful soon to be mother in law! Thanks Janis (lol j/k). Charlie & I are so freaking excited for Christmas this year, we are excited every year with us being total Christmas freaks (me being the psycho) but this year is super special because of well.... Harper. One thing we both have never done and definitely want to do is go to or better yet host an ugly sweater party. I would love to host a party were we have a reason to dress down dress up in horrible sweaters lol. So FUN! But we both agree that wont happen until we are in a bigger house. So...with babe not having any classes we get to spend this whole week doing as much as we can. We started off the week by going to Disney. We walked thru the new Fantasyland (which for those of you who don't know what that is its a new part of Magic Kingdom that is where all the princesses will be). It was AMAZING! I cant wait for the rest of it to be finished. Today we spent the evening with the crazies at the mall (which wasn't too bad). Finishing up the little gifts to go along with the big gifts for a few family members. Unfortunately because we had to wait on something for 2 hours, we didn't get home until 8:30 AND when we were out I got a horrible migraine (the ones that make you super sick and feel like you have morning sickness all over again...). Well after we got home and babe gave me my shot for the margarine and let me lay down in our bedroom for an hour with no baby (an early Christmas present lol) I found out he had gone to the grocery store this afternoon and was going to cook me dinner :) He even got wine. God I love this man. This sweet romantic side doesn't come out very often but when it does he goes all out! Well with only two days in, I am excited for the next week and even more excited for CHRISTMAS!

    So as always here are a few pictures of total cuteness :)

Daddy's little football
no where near all the gifts. I still have a lot of wrapping to do & we still have to get the gifts from both our parents houses.

 Oh and this would be why I don't get to blog very much.... the ONLY way she'll let me post.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Long time No post.

  So its been a hot minute since my last post. Oops! The last two weeks have been very busy in the Lester Battaglini household. On the 1st we went to Disney for a friends birthday and to see the lights & on the 4th we took Harp to see SANTA! The 2nd thru the 7th honey spent sitting in his office studying and taking finals, he was also really really sick all week (he couldn't even sleep in the bedroom with us....very sad). In the morning on the 7th after his last final honey went to pick up his sister from the airport and after his other sister got pick up by his parents we all went out to dinner for his sisters birthday. On the 8th we went to the mall all day then out to dinner for my sisters birthday. On the 9th we had to say buy to Harper's aunts (I think they were actually really sad to say bye).

  This week hasn't been too bad (thank goodness). Harper had a bad day on Monday, she was just in one of those moods where she wouldn't let me put her down. Come to find out she had a tummy ache :( . Now she is feeling much better and got to go wedding shoe shopping with mommy & aunt Ashley. We also did a lot of online Christmas shopping (I just cant seem to stop!), decorated the house, and FINALLY dragged babe to Macy's to register for our wedding (I know I know were very a little late). Tonight we just got back from Disney with Nana. We went to see the candle light processional. If anyone ever has the chance to see it, it is so amazing (but then again its Disney so how couldn't it be). 

  Well that is why I haven't posted in awhile (exciting I know). So until next time..... your little dose of munchkin. 

The Osborne Family Spectacle of Dancing Lights at Disney Hollywood Studios.  

Christmas Shopping @ Target. Price check for cuteness anyone?
@ Disney Candlelight Processional

Momma Cakes & Harpsicle. Onesies

Our first Family Christmas card (even though I am not a Battaglini.....YET)

Again @ Disney Candlelight Processional. Santa Fleece Sleep N' Play

Headband from The Snootie Pig.

First letter to Santa. She wants new clothes, new shoes, lots of toys that make noise, and a new car for daddy!

Gawhhh I just love her

Daddy & Harp when we were at the mall

What my mornings look like..... Rough

Best Picture EVER!
All of these pictures with Santa are from Photography by Skip Stowers
"SANTA!   I know him."

I want to put this picture on Canvas (a BIG one) and hang it in our house

This is Harper & baby Jordan. He was born only 2 days after her. What a hunk huh ;)

Saturday, December 1, 2012

Harpers very merry Christmas

This is our Harpsicles first Christmas which can only mean a few things
#1. Lots of festive outfits for the next 25 days 
#2. Lots of Christmas carols during baths, feedings, & changes
#3. Meeting Santa....A LOT 
#4. Meeting aunt Christa & aunt Andrea for the first time (only 5 more days!) 
#5. Some serious Christmas shopping will be going down. I just love finding the perfect gifts for our family :)
#6. 25 days of Christmas on ABC family
& finally #7. Lots & lots & lots of pictures of our festive little butter butt.

We are so excited for this month. It's such an amazing feeling knowing that this whole month Charlie & I get to spend so much time with not only both our amazing parents but also our sisters.  We are really excited for Harper to meet her aunts on the 7th and for us to be able to spend almost 2 whole days with them ( hey we'll take any time we can with them, even if it was only a few hours). Unfortunately she wont be getting to meet her uncle Dan & uncle Kevin but they will be here for our wedding in March so its not too bad.  We also  won't be with them on Christmas so I'll be making it feel like Christmas day (everyday) as much as I can while they are here.

I am going to try & post everyday but we'll see how well that works out lol. My life is on Harper time now.

Speaking of the princess.....

Stocking was a baby shower gift from my wonderful cousin Bevy. Can be found here Pottery Barn Kids

A Christmas Story. I know she is going to love this movie as much as I do.

Family Bunting Banner from Sheri Sew Sweet (etsy) can be found here Burlap Banner

You will find I shop A LOT on Etsy. All of Harps headbands are from there, a lot of her nursery stuff (nursery post will be up soon), a lot of my accessories, and a lot of our house decorations.

Harper's brothers Mac & Hendrix